You're young and decided you wanted to start a business. In Fact, you pride yourself on how well you will orchestrate your own success and strive as your own boss. Trust me, we congratulate you on taking this journey. As a young entrepreneur there are so many mistakes that can be made, below are our seven handy tips for any young or smart entrepreneur.
Tip 1
Dream in steps, instead of in large quantity.
Let's say you have started a business which on day one want to grow exceedingly. The vision is far from where you are now, but you decided to tackle it however. This pose a problem ,there's nothing wrong with the concept of building a company to be large, this depends on the type of business you have: Sole proprietorship, corporation etc.but a problem when it takes more than three years to generate applicable revenue.
Bigger is not necessary better.
You will have more success in betting on the goals you want to accomplish over the short term than the long terms.
Tip 2
Set reachable goals.
Business strive on three main things, loyalty, company goals, and profits.
When you are starting out as an entrepreneur, set reachable goals.
Loyalty is trust between customers, employees or other business partners to perform business with your company. Build your value by applying actions towards your goals.Setting actions towards goals boost productivity in the long run.
Tip 3
Develop a rolodex.

Rolodex- When we mention rolodex we are talking about a roll out of premium products.Your rolodex resembles a watch. a list of 1-12 products. Those 1-12 products are your top products that generate the most sales.
Tip 4
Don't be the loudest or smartest in the room.
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